SSC Ultimate Aero XT

The SSC Ultimate Aero held the title of the fastest production car in the world from 2007 until 2010. The philosophy behind the car was to make it a driver’s car. In alignment with this, the SSC Ultimate Aero does not come equipped with electronic driver aids such as antilock breaks or traction control. 
The official top speed of the car was 256.18. The power behind this speed is a 6.9-liter all-aluminum twin-turbo V8 engine. The car produces 1,300 horsepower and 1,004 lb-ft of torque. When it comes to speed, the SCC Ultimate Aero is not messing around.

  • Quad-turbocharged: 6.9-liter V8
  • Maximum Power: 1300HP
  • Weight: 1004 Ibs


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