Moti Masjid, Lahore

Moti Masjid, one of the Pearl Mosques, is a 17th century religious building located inside the Lahore FortLahorePunjabPakistan. It is a small, white marble structure built by Mughal emperor Jahangir and modified by the architects of Shah Jahan, and is among his prominent extensions to the Lahore Fort Complex.  The mosque is located on the western side of Lahore Fort, closer to Alamgiri Gate, the main entrance.
The structure, located in the northwestern corner of Dewan-e-Aam quadrangle, is typical of Mughal architecture of Shah Jahan's times. It is completely built of white marble that was brought from MakranaThe façade is composed of cusped arches and engaged baluster columns with smooth and fine contours.  The mosque has three superimposed domes, two aisles of five bays, and a slightly raised central pishtaq, or portal with a rectangular frame. This five arched facade distinguishes it from other mosques of the similar class with three arched facades. The interior is simple and plain with the exception of ceilings that are decorated and designed in four different orders, two arcuate, and two trabeated. The building was later revived to its former status, and the religious relics were conserved at the nearby Badshahi Mosque.


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